{ Hallucinate, dream. }

I'm Masitho and this is my blog.

Posted on Tuesday, September 14, 2010 at 9:13:00 PM

I have this thing with them. Ever since my mum bought them for me, I've gone nuts over them. So, if you're buying me a birthday gift, a masks will make me happy :)) But, I'm not asking for that okay. Everything's feeling all normal again. Life's boring. Once the rollercoaster in Universal Studios opens up again, I'm gonna ride it and feel what people mean by " Life is a rollercoaster. " And, I ain't gonna regret. Exams are coming. Dislike dislike dislike. Study hard. Yipee.

I had the most spookiest, scariest, undescribebable feeling ever. My sister said that she tried to wake me up for 5 minutes. " Your legs were practically flying and your eyes were moving all over. " Closed, of course. I so don't want that to happen. That would be too scary. I just can't, uh. Make better dreams puhls.

I hate you but at the same time, it's so hard to let you go. Out of my life, once and for all. I miss those times when you would send me home even when I wouldn't ask. You'd just come up to me when I'm walking back, then you'll accompany me till I reach the staircase. I miss those times. Well, now we're in diff schools, so it doesn't matter much anymore. So, you like this girl. I sound so, urgh. She's a freakin mfckinbitch pls. I'm sorry to say. But for a guy like you, I think you deserve better. Even though you're not really a good guy, you're a nice and caring person who wants to change. That's what I heard from you. She won't care about you. She makes fun of you. You wouldn't know cause you're just too crazy over her. Sometimes, I feel like kicking your balls a million times to make you realise that she's not worth it. I'll make her stand right next to me while doing that, and I bet you a million dollars that she'd stand there laughing, not asking me to stop. She likes your friend. Your friend, not you. It's not right for me to say this. Well, sorry. I have feeling too. Even though you won't be reading any of this shit. Emotions, feelings, all out here. I feel soooooo. I guess I just miss you too much. I wanna see youuu. I don't care what other bitches think of you. That doesn't matter. I want our relationship to be back as usual. Friends, WHEN WE WERE AT LEAST FRIENDS, REMEMVBER? DO YOU REMEMBER?!

Uh, bloody mofos. People have feelings. And some people, like me, likes to express all of them here.

Posted on Monday, September 13, 2010 at 5:02:00 PM

I think that I'll start blogging again. Even though I have a very boring life. Plus, I don't think that anyone will even be reading this blog, so, I'm not bothered. Exams are coming and I don't like it. I need to get started on my homework. Art, yipee. So much fun. Urgh, Mrs Arafat is too sarcastic. She shouldn't be. Well, she is a teacher after all. Okai. Um.
OMG, Eunnn<33 You're so cute. I like your triangle shirt.

Posted on Tuesday, August 17, 2010 at 6:41:00 PM

I'm guessing that I've not posted for a few weeks now. Haha. Very lazy and no ones reading it so.
I'm not gonna update anymore. But, im not gonna delete.

Posted on Friday, August 06, 2010 at 2:31:00 PM

Hi. National Day Celeb was kinda fun. Even though we had to sit on the floor for an hour and a half. I didn't like tha part. And, the part where the principal has to read the message. It's like, two pages long. I could die. Sing a long was awesome. like.bye

Posted on Friday, July 30, 2010 at 7:25:00 PM

my internet is being a super bitchy bitch for acting so slow. and today's friday >: sad life i got here yeah. im kinda tired. i played tennis in the rain with my seniors today. i like the fact that it rained and that we didn't have to run. i disliked the fact me knowing that when I don't run, I don't gain much energy. Yeah, I know it makes us lose energy. but it doesn't get me warmed up and therefore, I didn't have much energy when I was playing inside. I had more energy when I was playing with seniors, which i though that i didn't really play a good game. fforget it horh. ok, so. shitloads of hw. bye.